This is the decade that matters.

To:Foundation is a non-profit organization that creates, funds, and cross-pollinates with grassroots and large organizations, equalizing opportunity and collaborating to support the most vulnerable and heal the planet.

Refugee Empowerment


Climate change and climate-related conflict continue to drive involuntary migration at an unprecedented rate. Displaced people, among the world’s most vulnerable, are forced into refugee settlements lacking in critical infrastructure, resources, and pathways to opportunity. Most stay in settlements far longer than we might expect and we believe these spaces, with rapidly growing populations, should be recategorized as future cities. The culture of every city is driven by its people and their history, and so we collaborate with refugee-residents of these future cities in order to effectively enhance their long term welfare and outcomes, creating environments where they are empowered to thrive rather than set up to fail.

At To: Foundation, we are committed to establishing spaces for people to regenerate, play, think, and create, such as Bidi Bidi Performing Arts Centre, which launched in northern Uganda’s Bidi Bidi refugee settlement in December 2023. Our initiative for 2024 is Regenerate – an ambitious project around mental and physical wellbeing in Kenya’s Kakuma refugee settlement. And we’d love you to get involved! Stay tuned for more.



We have assembled an ecosystem of creative activists, partners, and experts who help us define challenges and inspire new directions. Scroll down to see our latest R&D project, which explores how climate change will affect migratory flows in Africa.

Venture Philanthropy


At To: Foundation we are always interested in connecting with exceptional people, movements, and non-profit organisations, for partnership and collaboration. Our philanthropic model uses unrestricted grants, cutting through the usual red tape to support changemakers in their mission. Grantee organisations include the following.