Play: Bidi Bidi




Music & Arts Centre

In northwestern Uganda, 600 kilometers north of Uganda’s capital Kampala, lies the Bidi Bidi refugee settlement. In the span of five years, Bidi Bidi has become home to a population of more than 250,000 displaced people, growing into what is now the largest refugee settlement on the African continent and the second largest in the world.

There is immense creativity in Bidi Bidi, all that is missing is access to resources and the opportunity to nurture talent. To address this, has partnered with Playing for Change Foundation (PFCF) and Ugandan NGO Sina Loketa.

Together we will build the Bidi Bidi Music & Arts Centre, inspired by the community’s talent and passion for music, and underscored by our strong belief that creative expression is a fundamental human right.

Why Bidi Bidi:

Five years ago, as civil war raged in South Sudan, refugees fled across the Ugandan border into the small subsistence farming communities of northern Uganda, with thousands arriving every day. Bidi Bidi became officially recognized as a refugee settlement in August 2016, with UNHCR providing essential food rations and tarps for shelter. Since then, Bidi Bidi has grown to cover nearly 250km and is now home to a population of nearly 250,000 South Sudanese refugees, mostly women and children, forced to flee their homes due to violent conflict. Now, five years later, with violence still endemic in South Sudan, most families in Bidi Bidi have chosen to permanently settle in Bidi Bidi.

Of the quarter of a million refugees now living in Bidi Bidi, 65% are under 18 years old. Unfortunately, activities for these young people are non-existent, hindering their opportunity to develop and grow.

In July 2018, and PCFC first visited Bidi Bidi with this project in mind. We soon hired music, voice, and dance instructors, and established a small practice space in a UN building. As eager musicians and dancers flooded in, we realised how integral music and dance are to South Sudanese culture. However, we also learned how ill-equipped Bidi Bidi is to support and nurture talent, and of the need for space for community gatherings.

In 2019, and PFCF identified Bidi Bidi as a refugee settlement perfectly positioned for the launch of a music and arts centre. PFCF proposed a program that uses music and dance as tools for healing trauma, bolstering social cohesion and overcoming division, presenting a unique opportunity to help foster individual and community growth in Bidi Bidi.

Bidi Bidi Music & Arts Centre will be a cultural hub, where music and performance will unite the entire community, including the numerous South Sudanese ethnic groups and local Ugandans, fostering a peaceful coexistence now and for the next generation.


Building a Music and Arts Centre


This Music & Arts Centre will be a community space for all forms of creative expression and community gatherings.


The structure has been designed by renowned architecture firm, Hassell Studios, and Arup are advising on acoustics and lighting. Both practices are providing their services on a pro bono basis.

The build will be managed by local construction firms, who will recruit and train crews from the Bidi Bidi refugee population to work alongside them in the construction. They will use low cost low carbon local building materials, and will combine traditional northern Ugandan aesthetics alongside innovations such as rainwater harvesting and natural ventilation.

We have secured land in an area of Bidi Bidi known as Zone 2, a few steps from a busy main strip of hair salons, restaurants, and shops – a locus of refugee entrepreneurial activity.


The Bidi Bidi Music & Arts Centre will incorporate the following:

      • Music classroom
      • Recording studio
      • Open air performance & community space
      • Secure musical equipment storage
      • Vegetable & tree nursery

This new space will allow us to grow our programming and to serve twice as many Bidi Bidi residents as we currently can in the existing space in the back of the UN building. Moreover, and PFCF will cover all external and overhead costs: 100% of the money you contribute will go directly to the construction of Bidi Bidi Music and Arts Centre.