This is the decade that matters.

To:Foundation creates, funds, and cross-pollinates with grassroots and large organizations, equalizing opportunity and collaborating to support the most vulnerable and heal the planet. To find out more about our current initiatives and how to participate, email us at [email protected].

Our Fundraising Manifesto

Since founding and launching To:Foundation, Arieh and I have believed fiercely in taking a non-traditional approach to tikkun olam – healing the world – an approach that brings tech and philanthropy together to simplify giving and amplify voices.
From the very beginning, we have surrounded ourselves with artists, scientists, activists, and futurists, all committed to finding creative solutions to Earth’s biggest challenges. became a vehicle to connect these diverse talents, introducing them to brilliant individuals and organizations in refugee settlements and urban slums who lack the opportunity to show the world what they can do.
Our creative and nimble strategy has incubated a community centre in Kampala’s Kyebando neighbourhood. It has led to newly arrived refugees at Uganda’s Nakivale Refugee Settlement having mattresses to sleep on instead of dirt floors, and to refugee children having a teddy bear to hold onto as they dream of a safer future. And in Bangladesh our collective effort with the Love Army raised more than $2.25 million on GoFundMe, creating employment for 600 Rohingya refugees, funding a hospital and hundreds of homes and boreholes to provide clean water. We have raised funds to plant trees across the Sahel, including 65,000 fruit trees, to prevent desertification so rural farming communities can thrive once again. Our community has made it possible for to bring clean water, toilets, and spaces to play, learn, and grow to deserving communities around the world. Our vast network has brought expertise to these spaces – teaching basketball camps in refugee settlements on courts we built, mentoring young musicians in recording studios we launched in an urban slum in Kampala and, soon, in Uganda’s Bidi Bidi refugee settlement, and mentoring innovative refugee entrepreneurs who only ever lacked someone to give them a chance and amplify their voice.
Never before have we all had so much access to information about what is happening in far flung places, where the impact of climate change, unrest, and displacement is far more evident than most of us will ever experience. Sometimes, crisis response calls for traditional large scale fundraising campaigns backed by people with a huge social media following; COVID-19 was one such moment. We partnered with the #TOGETHERFUND campaign and a one-click fundraising platform – HEROE5 – to raise funds for international NGOs such as the WHO and MSF, as well as for inspirational grassroots organizations such as groups of refugees in Uganda working tirelessly to protect their communities from COVID.
But sometimes there isn’t time to build out a sophisticated campaign strategy, and in those moments our best strategy is to find innovative approaches that will spark immediate direct action to change the lives of those most in need of our support. In the earliest days of, when we traveled to a Rohingya refugee settlement in Bangladesh with the Love Army, we were struck by the power of crowdfunding, the power of social media, and the immediate impact of visual storytelling. Today, for the first time in human history, people are able to come together on a global scale to change the outcome of global crises. Just as tech makes crises more accessible, it also changes the possibilities for philanthropy.

Nachson & Arieh